Every once in awhile I like to look through old photos and videos on our computer. Especially of when Noah was a baby or a little little toddler. I just can't believe how fast he's growing up, how much he's talking, and just how much I LOVE him... So much that it's a hurt sometimes. I'm not ready for him to go to preschool (but I am!). I'm ready for him to ride a bike, but I'm not prepared to let him out of my sight. I'm learning, very slowly, that letting go is truly one of the hardest parts of being a mother. :)
I came across these two video treasures on our hard drive this morning. Beautiful Aunt Heather took these while we were hanging out at Grandpa and Gram Smith's home one evening while we lived in Medford. By the date on the video, I'm going to say that Noah is just about a week shy of turning 1.
I LOVED my little boy at this phase... Quite the comedian.
Oh, there's more...
Last night Noah was painting with his new watercolor set. I had one just like it when I was little. So I took a few minutes to show him how to clean his brush in the water before moving on to a different color. Then I let him do his thing. I looked over and saw him moving the brush through each color before applying paint to his masterpiece. I took one step in his direction, and then realized that it's HIS masterpiece, not mine. And it turned out perfectly.... perfectly brown. But PERFECT. And I LOVE that when Noah paints he has a serious "I'm concentrating" face, just like Kevin when he's playing the guitar. All the Smith's know exactly what I'm talking about... I love that Noah is so much like Kevin. :)
Have a BEAUTIFUL day today.
Noah is soooo entertaining! I found myself smiling from ear to ear just watching that video. I see where my little guy is headed each time I look at things like this! :)
I so remember that day. Noah was hilarious. Happy memories!
Love to all of you.
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