Last night I took Noah to the "Santa Celebration" at the big outdoor mall here in Lincoln. We had a FABULOUS time! Kevin had some work to do at home, so it was just me and my little boy. I think he's definitely warmed up to the idea of St. Nick this year. Given Noah's experiences with Santa the first two years, I was a little unsure about how he would react. All I can say is that the city of Lincoln definitely goes all out to kick off the Christmas season!
We arrived early enough that we were pretty close to the main event. Santa was going to arrive and flip the switch to light up the two-story tall Christmas tree in the big outdoor center courtyard of the mall. While we were waiting, Noah met some other fun characters for the first time last night. We ran into Rudolph, Frosty, the Grinch, and some of Santa's elves. He gave the Grinch a high-five right away (SHOCKED me!), but for some reason he REFUSED to approach Frosty and especially Rudolph (whose cute little nose was flashing red).

I realized that he hadn't heard the story of Rudolph yet. Noah was plastered around my waist with his arms wrapped around my neck, and his cheek was on my cheek. I was LOVING that. My little boy doesn't stay still long enough these days for that to happen. And there were a lot of people there with more arriving by the second. So he felt safe in my arms and I was happy to just hold him close for awhile. So while we were cheek to cheek, I told him the story of Rudolph and his special nose and how he saved Christmas for Santa and the other reindeer. Then YES, I sang him the Rudolph song and he immediately wanted to go find him and personally give Rudolph a high-five for saving Christmas and being so awesome! .... He still wanted to steer clear of the weird snowman walking around. That's okay.
The festivities began with a bunch of singing and a terrific a cappella group. And then the announcers asked if anyone knew what was keeping Santa. Did anyone see Santa???? The whole crowd looked around and we realized that Santa was stuck on the roof of Von Maur, the big department store. Of course he had a mic so fortunately he was able to ask for help! Then we all heard sirens as the Lincoln City Fire Department arrived and brought out their big ladder. Santa was safely rescued and made his way to the stage. Noah was mesmerized by the whole ordeal. He looked so worried! I kept telling him that Santa would be just fine. :) Last year, I think he would have preferred that Santa stay up on the roof, so I thought this was a good sign! Santa flipped the big switch to light the Christmas tree and fireworks went off as thousands of colorful lights lit up the courtyard. Noah laughed and clapped and sang and cheered. So... I was just hoping to inspire Noah a little about Christmas time. But I was not prepared for what I felt. It was pretty magical. And I think for the FIRST time since becoming a mother, I caught a glimpse of Christmas through my son's eyes.
We all sang a few more songs, and then everyone made a run for the line already forming down at Santa's Workshop where they will pay through the nose for a digital photo of their kids on Santa's lap. I told Noah that Santa would take a break soon and would come visit us at our church Christmas party and he could see him then. Just as I finished that sentence, I turned around and who was literally walking toward us???? Um, Santa Claus. He was surrounded by his elves trying to part the crowd and escort the big guy down to the workshop. He walked by us and held out his hand for Noah. My little boy gave Santa a high five and giggled. AWESOME.
I was also touched by the kindness of people there last night. We were pretty close to the stage, but the crowd got really thick and all the tall dads were placing their kids on their shoulders. Let's just say that vertically I just can't compete with that. :) So I held Noah and hoped for the best. As the time for Santa got closer, some of the people in front of us saw us and literally let us move in front of them. I was so grateful! This probably happened five or six times, no joke. And before we knew it, we were right up by the stage and could see everything perfectly! It touched me that so many people took pity on a short mom and her little boy, who just wanted to see Santa Claus for a little bit.
LOVED last night. I will definitely take Noah again next year. And yes, the Rudolph song was requested the whole way home in the car...
... the WHOLE way home.
Ho Ho HO!!!

Last night when the kids were in bed I remembered about the event...I was sad we didn't get to take them to it this year:(....sometimes I feel so unorganized. It sounds like you had a blast!
I LOVE that you got to share that magical Christmas moment with Noah. And, I LOVE that he is warming up to the idea of Christmas and Santa and everything. He is just so adorable! Glad that you had a wonderful time together.
P.S. Once Savannah learned the Rudolph song, it was the same thing...we always had to sing it. In fact, it would be summertime, and she would pick out her bedtime song to sing and it would still be Rudolph. Whatcha gonna do? :)
I can't wait to meet Noah...he seems like such a sweetie!!! Thanks for sharing that great moment!!!
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