Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Um... They tell me that no tornadoes touched down in Lincoln city limits this season.

I respectfully beg to DIFFER. :)

Don't worry. Cookie Monster made a full recovery...

Trying to find the floor to vacuum,



Jaime Dubois said...

Did Noah do that during his quiet time? Wow! Looks like he had a good time doing whatever he was doing. Hope you enlisted his help to clean up. :)

B said...

Just looking at that mess gives me anxiety. I think I have officially qualified to mom-status. :) And, a side note - I also have fallen in love with the Ingrid Michaelson song you have on your list!

AmyPoll said...

Welcome to toddler hood...oh 9 1/2 year old still does just is with clothes and everything else. I keep telling myself that they will grow out of it, but I am starting to wonder when??? I am a clean and tidy person so I really don't get where they get it from!!!