Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chocolate truth....

Out of the mouth of babes....

My Noah is a very intuitive eater. Even if he doesn't touch the salad or green beans that we lovingly put on his plate for him. :) I seriously never need to worry about him over-eating. He will stop when he's full and save the rest for later. Even with desserts!!!!

Our good friends Jeff and Patricia went to Costco the other day and brought me back the most decadent, rich, layered, fudge-filled cake EVER.... E-V-E-R. They know me so well. So when Noah finished his spaghetti tonight, he wanted a slice of that goodness for dessert. When Gram set that big slice of cake in front of him with a glass of cold milk, I said to him, "Remember, Stud. That's too much cake for a big boy. So you can stop when your tummy is full and save the rest for later." He agreed and went to town.

Then Gram put a nice, thick slice in front of me. Noah looked up from his cake and said, "Wow.... that's a LOT of cake for a big fat lady!"

Thanks, Kid. :)

Of course everyone burst into laughter. Noah told me later as I was reading to him in bed that he just said that to be funny. No problem, Baby. Then he said that he knows I'm not fat. I just have babies. And he kissed my tummy. Chocolate brings out great truth. :)

I want another piece of cake.


Jaime Dubois said...

Awwww...that is such a sweet little memory and moment! I'm so glad that you recorded that so you won't forget. my opinion...chocolate brings out the best in everyone! ;) Love ya!

Kim said...

I can not stop laughing!!! Gotta love little ones...

Anna Winn and Family said...

Ahaha oh man that guy is my favorite. How does he come up with this stuff?