Friday, September 10, 2010

Squirrels know best...

It's going to be a BAD..... B-A-D winter.

The signs are here and undeniable. It's the first week of September and the Fall winds are already here. But more importantly, nature has given other signs as well. The mosquitoes are gone. GONE. The corn has changed prematurely. The fields are ready to be cut down already. This shouldn't happen for another month or so.

But the next sign chills me. All the nut trees are BARE. Already. Every walnut and acorn has been scrounged and packed away by the critters. When in doubt about the coming weather, trust the survivalist animals around you. In this case, the squirrels know something we probably don't!

As my friend Tina says, who happens to live about 45 minutes from the nearest grocery store and encountered 15 foot snow drifts last winter, it really gives new meaning to the idea of food storage. They're thinking seriously of buying a snow mobile for this winter just in case their little son gets sick and they have to get out.

Welcome to 'Braska!!!! Does anyone know where I can buy some firewood? Just in case....


Anna Winn and Family said...

You know - Wyoming is usually cold - but it turned quickly this year. And we are in sweaters and jackets. I know we'll probably have a few days of Indian summer but Alex and I have been talking about food storage for a while. If you get stuck in my town - NO one is coming in or out for a while. brrr

Jaime Dubois said...

Wow! I hope you survive the winter. Get a little food storage going or something...take a few hints from the squirrels! :)

Kim said...

you know what? I didn't like this post....LOL!