So it's already November 12th today and I haven't yet blogged about this.... BUT.....
Happy National Adoption Month!
I wasn't brave enough to take the challenge that you see on so many other blogs by other adoptive families and birthparents to blog something everyday this month. But no matter how frustrated and exhausted I am, this month always warms my heart and gives me what I need to keep going. A beautiful birthmother named Stefanie spotlighted our family on her blog as part of this month and we are so grateful! You can find it HERE. Thanks for your help, Stefanie. Every little bit could make a difference. :)
If you feel like your own blog isn't quite cluttered enough yet... and you'd like to help us find our next little one... Please feel free to grab our button:
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I read a post by an amazing birthmother yesterday. It was one of those that just makes you shake your head... and then smile the whole day long. Tamra's blog is HERE, but I'm just going to post it below and save you the effort of one mouse click! It's that good...
So a birthmom, an adoptive mom, an adoptee, and an unbelievably insensitive woman are tyin' a quilt...
By Tamra Hyde
So I'm at church tyin' a quilt to donate, and I meet an adoptive mom. We're gabbin' about how blessed we are to have adoption be part of our lives, goin' on and on as B-Moms and A-Moms do when we happen to meet.
Enter insensitive lady - "Well, it's best to have 'your own,' that way they have your genes and adopted kids usually don't turn out well." (all of this said in front of my new friend's listening daughter, by the way) She then goes on to give the evidence of a couple of adopted children who have grown up to have problems that are exclusive to those who have been adopted, y'know, like divorce and quitting church.
Another woman at our quilt enters the conversation. "I'm adopted and none of that is true of me, though my siblings who are not adopted HAVE had those struggles."
I say, "See, what YOU fail to understand is that this IS her own child! Eternally! Meaning - always was, always will be. They found each other by inspiration and miraculous divine intervention! We are ALL brothers and sisters! So tell me, what do GENES matter?!"
Sike... That's only a wish I woulda said, but I did say, "These babies go where they're meant to be."
Adopted mom responds to the height of rudeness with grace and charity.
Rude lady feels dumb.
We get up and move to a kinder quilt and carry on our rejoicing. Adoptive mom, Birthmom, and adoptee! GO TEAM!
My heart is happy today. I'm the mother of a beautiful, amazing little boy who has been in my arms since the day he was born. He doesn't have my genes or Kevin's, but he is our son just the same. He even has my dimple! Today we celebrate him. :)
Go Team!!
I agree, Go Team!! And, yes, let's definitely celebrate our little Noah! :)
We love you guys and hope and pray you get to adopt again.
Thinking of you!
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