Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Son-Shine

A few weeks ago the clouds parted and the cold air faded for a few glorious afternoons. With 75 degrees and an anxious little boy, it was inevitable... Outside to play!!!

I know that every mother thinks that her child is the cutest and funniest little imp EVER... But when I see his smile and his sense of humor (that's evolving everyday), I'm just sure of it. :) My "Sun" overwhelms me with joy.


Noah's Mommy

BTW - Sorry about the advertising for GAP... They really should pay people, shouldn't they???


Jaime Dubois said...

He really is the cutest EVER! And, he looks so very happy. Here's hoping that more warm weather follows!! :)

Amy Simms said...

I love the warmer weather! And he really is a cutie. Little boys are so fun.

Erin said...

I love Noah! I can't wait to see this big boy.

Brenda Scarlett said...

Okay so true you are his Mom...but who could deny the cuteness of NOAH!!!!

Keri Blue said...

I can't believe how BIG he's getting!!!!! Love you guys!